A message to The Gate Family
Indoor Sunday service has resumed at the address listed above with social distancing. Or you may join our live streaming on YouTube. For further information email us @ gateinternational@yahoo.com

Time & Location
Plans for the near future.
516 La Casa Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403, USA
About the event
The Gate International Family:
Indoor Sunday Service meetings has resumed with social distancing.Those who are sick and or elderly and cannot make it we bless you as you stay home.
Facebook live streaming via youtube will start @10:30 am. The link is
We encourage each of you to connect with church members and House Church groups during the week via zoom on phone. Also be aware of those around you that need a word of encouragement and be ready to minister in practical and spiritual ways to those in need.
Tithes and Offerings: there are few options to give/donate
- 1. PayPal - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=H8Q7A8CKRRXJY
- 2. Credit Card - https://donate.cornerstone.cc/the+gate+international
- 3. Mail a check to "The Gate" Address is 381 Ensign Ln. Redwood City, Ca 94065
- 4. For other options feel free to call Matt Kaku @ (510) 507-0487
Other Weekly meetings:
House-churches / Prayer meeting / All Other Meeting will be on Zoom ( see What's App for zoom links)
Listing of meeting and times:
Thursday Night Prayer Meeting Thursdays 07:30 PM
San Jose House Church Every other Fridays @ 7:30 PM
Arabic House Church Tuesdays @ 07 PM
Young Adult Group Meeting Mondays @ 07:30 PM
San Mateo House Church Wednesdays 07:00 PM
BOD Meeting Every other Wednesday 9:00 PM
Ministry leaders meeting Sunday 6 PM (When announced)
Media Meeting Every other Tuesday 9:15 PM
God has an answer for each situation we may face and lets keep our eyes on Him as He equips us in this season with hope, faith and love. Remember we are one family, many nations, under one God.
For more information contact tgimediateam@outlook.com
The Gate International Board of Deacons gateinternational.org/